24 03, 2015

Atlanta’s Paint Doctor selected as one of 12 in the Georgia Mentorship Protégée Connection. This is Big.

By |2019-04-30T23:29:54+00:00March 24th, 2015|Paint Doctor News|0 Comments

I’m excited to announce Atlanta’s Paint Doctor is one of 12 companies accepted to participate in the 2015 Georgia Mentorship Protégée Connection (MPC). The MPC is a business development initiative that provides opportunities for emerging firms in Georgia to benefit from a one-year mentoring relationship with the state’s top corporations. The 2015 Class [...]

17 04, 2012

Graffiti Removal Like A Pro

By |2019-04-30T23:30:11+00:00April 17th, 2012|Exterior House Paint, Paint Doctor News|0 Comments

As long as there are vandals and spray paint, there will of course be graffiti. Also known as street art, this is a form of expression that is actually illegal and therefore is usually done at night, so the unsightly surprise usually isn't seen until the next morning!If you have a house or business that has been visually vandalized [...]

2 01, 2012

Commercial Painting Contractors – Interior Maintanence Ideas

By |2019-04-30T23:31:04+00:00January 2nd, 2012|Commercial Painting, Paint Doctor News|0 Comments

As a commercial painting contractor, you are probably asked how to maintain the interior of an office on a regular basis. With employees going in and out daily, there are bound to be mishaps. While even the best Atlanta painters will do their best to make the paint smooth and concise, you can also suggest some [...]

17 11, 2011

Where To Find Atlanta House Painters

By |2019-04-30T23:31:29+00:00November 17th, 2011|Atlanta House Painting, House Painting Tips, Paint Doctor News|0 Comments

If you've just moved into your home, or even if you've lived there for years, you may be considering an interior renovation project. New homeowners like to personalize their home with a color scheme that either matches their furniture or their particular decor. Even long-time homeowners like to change things around. Sometimes, an entirely new [...]