20 02, 2013

Atlanta Exterior Painting In The Spring

By |2013-02-20T13:52:35+00:00February 20th, 2013|Atlanta House Painting, Exterior House Paint, House Painting Tips|0 Comments

As we watch the weather warm in the South, many of us are starting to plan our spring and summer home maintenance schedules. For some, a fresh coat of paint for the exterior of the house is on the list. If you’re considering hiring an Atlanta exterior painting professional, there are several things to consider, [...]

17 04, 2012

Graffiti Removal Like A Pro

By |2019-04-30T23:30:11+00:00April 17th, 2012|Exterior House Paint, Paint Doctor News|0 Comments

As long as there are vandals and spray paint, there will of course be graffiti. Also known as street art, this is a form of expression that is actually illegal and therefore is usually done at night, so the unsightly surprise usually isn't seen until the next morning!If you have a house or business that has been visually vandalized [...]

12 04, 2012

Paint Trim Like A Pro

By |2019-04-30T23:30:13+00:00April 12th, 2012|Exterior House Paint, Interior House Painting|0 Comments

Sooner or later, everything that is painted is eventually going to need another coat and while painting certainly isn't for everyone, it is something that almost anyone can actually do. In fact, if you follow the directions and take your time, this typically tedious task can turn into a surprisingly easy and enjoyable job.If you've never painted before, it's best [...]

5 04, 2012

Exterior Prep Like a Pro

By |2012-04-05T11:00:00+00:00April 5th, 2012|Exterior House Paint|0 Comments

Now that spring is finally here, you may be thinking about painting the outside of your house. After all, nothing says a fresh start like a new coat of paint. While hiring a professional painting company is always the best choice when painting the exterior of your home, you can save some cost by performing the exterior [...]

4 04, 2012

The Cost of Painting A House Is Rising

By |2019-04-30T23:30:21+00:00April 4th, 2012|Atlanta House Painting, Exterior House Paint, Interior House Painting|0 Comments

I am sure that you are not surprised that the cost of painting a house is rising. However, you will find that painting a home is by far more economical than most home improvements. So with spring around the corner, it is the opportune time to be thinking about home improvements such as painting your [...]