19 07, 2010

Classic, Elegant and Intimate

By |2010-07-19T14:05:37+00:00July 19th, 2010|Custom and Faux Paint Finishes, Interior House Painting|0 Comments

Here is the last of our entries about the 2010 Symphony Showhouse. In the intimate foyer, which was designed by Christy Dillard and Dillard Design Group, LLC, a combination of antiques and contemporary pieces gave a nod to the past while creating an "of the moment" vibe. Powerful architectural features included black-and-white marble floors [...]

14 07, 2010

Cheery children’s craft suite in the 2010 Symphony Showhouse

By |2019-04-30T23:32:26+00:00July 14th, 2010|Atlanta House Painting, Atlanta Symphony Showhouse, Custom and Faux Paint Finishes|0 Comments

This Wonderland Kids Craft Suite, designed by Margaret L. Norcott, Allied ASID Milieu Design Group, Inc, is a dream come true for children, especially those who love to create and have fun. Margaret created zones within the space for almost everything imaginable: a kid sized puppet show nook; open spaces for interactive play; mirrors for [...]