Foyer in the 2010 Symphony Showhouse

Here is the last of our entries about the 2010 Symphony Showhouse. In the intimate foyer, which was designed by Christy Dillard and Dillard Design Group, LLC, a combination of antiques and contemporary pieces gave a nod to the past while creating an “of the moment” vibe. Powerful architectural features included black-and-white marble floors as well as an iron-and-brass staircase railing. The Paint Doctor handled some tricky transition points where the ceiling — which The Paint Doctor crew was painting — seemed to curve into the walls, which were being prepped for wallpaper. Over all, Christy chose a palette of pale, earthy oatmeal and taupe because she felt it had a calming effect among the strong architectural elements. The cozy seating area offered guests a spot to relax upon arrival. An accent color of slate blue was added to the palette to bring subdued sophistication. The varied textures — from fabrics, the wall covering, tapestry and carpet on the staircase — was a great example of how strong architectural features can be softened.

Archie Deese