Replacing kitchen cabinets can be an expensive endeavor, sometimes costing $25,000 or more. However, there are alternatives if your kitchen cabinets are driving you crazy, including simply repainting the cabinets to get several more years’ use out of them. While you can hire professional Atlanta House Painters to perform this task, you can paint cabinets like a pro with a few tips:
- Remove the cabinet doors by removing the hinges and lifting the doors down. Take out all of the hardware from the cabinets and set aside.
- Set the doors horizontally on a workhorse.
- Clean the cabinets on all sides using a de-greasing cleaner.
- Fill up cracks, divots and holes in the wood with wood putty and scrape smooth with a putty knife. Allow to dry.
- Use 100-grit sandpaper to lightly sand all sides of the cabinets, which will help the new paint stick evenly to the wood.
- Attach cup hooks to the top and bottom edges of the cabinets and drawers.
- Select a sand-able paint primer marked “high build” for the best results and apply with a two and ½-inch paintbrush, working against the grain first and then painting with the grain. Start with the inside panel. Allow the primer to dry thoroughly to the touch before turning the cabinets over to prime the other side. Once both sides are
done, hang up the cabinets by the cup hooks to finish drying.
- Sand again using 220-grit sandpaper to remove any visible brush strokes and follow with a sanding sponge that has a fine-grit along the trim.
- Vacuum the cabinet surfaces to remove the fine sanding dust and re-prime if necessary. Let dry.
- Apply the final wall paint color to the cabinets, using a new tipped paintbrush and starting on the back of each door and painting in the direction of the grain.
- Leave the cabinets flat while drying and wait for the surface to be dry to the touch before turning them over to paint the other side. Hang up after both sides are dry to the touch and wait two hours before starting over with a second coat of paint.
- Let everything dry for at least a day.
What are some of your favorite paint colors for your kitchen?