Atlanta PaintingThe real estate market is a tough sell right now and if you are getting ready to put your home on the market you will want to present its most appealing face. Real estate experts agree that one of the best ways to make your home appealing and increase its value is a complete interior painting job. Atlanta Painting has the experts to do the job.

Take a good look as you walk through your home and imagine how it looks to a prospective buyer. Do you have adorable wallpaper in the baby’s bedroom, a bold red wall in your son’s room and stains and marks on the family room walls?

Your prospective buyer is not just gaining his first impression but he is also trying to imagine how his belongings will look in your space. This is not the time to showcase your individual style.

interior paintingA successful approach is a bright, spacious, neutrally colored home that lends itself to the buyer’s imagination. Atlanta Painting offers interior painting if you are not quite as handy as those folks on the DIY networks.

There are specific guidelines to keep in mind as you contemplate your home’s paint makeover. Light and neutral colors do not mean stark white or boring creams. White is antiseptic and impersonal and is best for ceilings.

One way to choose colors is to utilize samples from the local hardware store. Take them home and try the samples out in natural light.

Colors throughout your home should harmonize but more than one color can be used. Consider the room and its individual features as you make color decisions.

Selling Your HouseFor example, a bright, sunny room can stand a slightly darker. Pick up hues that might be reflected in wood or tile floors and use that as a base of your neutral color.

Crown molding and baseboards are architectural features that you want to make stand, so choose a color that is in the same family but is one or two shades darker.

Selecting paint colors is the fun part of the job, putting the paint on the wall is often best done by professionals like those at Atlanta Painting. There is enough work  for all as you ready your house for sale.

The tough sell becomes a soft sell when your house is freshly coated in paint that showcases it for a wide variety of buyers.